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RE: Isaac Newton's third law

in Outdoors and more4 years ago

I don't think so. Many people find guns interesting I think and I try to break the concepts down to the most basic level and represent firearms well with a view to promote interest...I don't think it's weird that you find them interesting. I like it when non-shooters like them and ask questions also...Helps me bust myths many have about guns. 🙂😉


I kinda view random things of interest as ”maybe I’ll need this information at some point when the apocalypse hits”

One never knows when skills of this nature may be required. I'm a prepared dude so have a lot of these skills and get there's so much I don't know. I simply learn more and more each week seeking out the stuff I need to know, and hoping I don't have to use these skills. I'd take you shooting any day. 😉