
Oh, well. That is also worth checking out.

I'm a good teacher/instructor and only resort to beatings when fuckers don't listen. 😂

Ha, ha, ha. Nothing beats a good ol' fashioned beating when your attention is elsewhere or you are annoying. Conductism works so well I don't understand why it was abandoned! 😂

Ah yes, I can see you're well-versed in the ways of beatings as form of motivation or simply to gain someone attention. It's an age-old method, tried and tested, and if it ain't broke why fix it! 😆


Yeah, we learn about all that stuff in Educational Psychology but we are told that beating is not permitted. I mean "why not?" if it is the only method that has been tested for millennia and it's known to work.

It worked for the Spartans, Roman Empire, Attila the Hun, my headmaster at school,...So many others...I know it's frowned upon now but hey, maybe it's time to revisit the concept, deploy some beatings, and see what results can be achieved. I'm at my office right now...I might go and administer some motivational beatings...I think productivity is going to be on the up! 😂

Ha, ha, ha. I bet some good results could be at hand with that initiative! You to tell me how did it go. Did production went up? By how much? 🤣