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RE: The Standard of Reliability - G19 Gen5 MOS

in Outdoors and morelast year

So your firearm cannot be shared in the same safe due to the fact that you have access to the other persons gun? Even though both parties are licensed for the exact firearm?

Yep. Bloody bonkers huh?

I can loan my guns with nothing more than a signed and dated piece of paper saying where they are (the page is kept by both parties) although that person has to have the right safe category and the right license of course. Not that I loan my guns of course. But...I can't leave the code somewhere for my next of kin to find when I die...It means someone has access to the guns who may not have the licensing or permission. Having the pin code combination to a gun safe is considered being in possession of the firearms.

Maybe I should just tell you what it is, record it on the blockchain.

Safe 1: 12345
Safe 2: 00000
Safe 3: 54321

You can see how complex I make my passwords.



That is some truly interesting marketing the safe and gun companies have lobbied with the government. :) All guns in safe and when owner dies the guns just rust away together with safe... therefore the kin "needs" to buy another "new" safe. In addition to buying another "firearm" to replace the lost one. and The cycle continues.... All because if there is a gun, one cannot share passcodes. Brilliant !Whoever is doing marketing for safes and guns in Australia needs to recieve a Nobel Prize.

By the way, how did you know my ATM card passwords? dang it~! :)

It's draconian for sure. Don't get me wrong, I am all for gun safety, but it brings issues that the government won't address no matter how logical the solutions presented are.

What? Your VISA card PIN is 00000 also? Damn, we have so much in common.