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RE: The Standard of Reliability - G19 Gen5 MOS

Wow, I am getting to see another gun post. I have always read about Guns and weapons from @Galenkp, it is nice reading from you.

The access people have to guns in other countries is quite different from what we have here in my country so I have almost zero ideas about guns but I have learned a few theoretical things about guns here.


It for sure was @GalenKP who inspired me to join the gun post show in his community. I like reading his posts on firearms and he knows his guns for sure to the very tee. To be at his knowledge base you really have to go military pro level which if you read some of his post you can tell he has served in the armed forces before.

The level of detail he writes up on his rilfes especially on the ammo is not in the level a normal person can read and fully understand. hehehehe. and yea he is legit. :)

Kind words, thank you mate.

Many countries want only the government to have firearms...Of course, regulating law-abiding citizens doesn't stop the criminals from having firearms. So...yeah, government (often corrupt) and criminals with guns...Doesn't seem very legit to me.