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RE: Isaac Newton's third law

in Outdoors and more4 years ago

I don't know about others, but I get anxious when people around me have a gun.

It may be due to the fact that where I live, people consider having a gun as a symbol of power and a way to flaunt rather than using it as a safety or in competition.

This is the only reason people in my area have guns.

They want to drink, shoot some rounds and show their power.

Nobody knows anything about safety, or if it is a thing.


People like those around you shouldn't have guns. It's ass holes like them who give legitimate and responsible shooters like me a bad name...Which is undeserved.

Yepp, that's why I mentioned that I have never heard about safety from any of them. A lot of people have guns around me. They only use it during marriage functions.

But you are the only one who focus so much on safety with a gun. The funny thing is here landlords have more guns than police.

Most people don't even have a license to carry a gun. They do it for fun.

Guns at marriage functions? Weird.

lol, it's the only use case of guns here. Except to shoot people, that happens rarely. More people get accidentally shot during marriages😅

Here, a scene from an Indian series for reference:

Interesting. Here they'd all get arrested for firearms offences! 😂

Good laws👍🏻👍🏻