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RE: Oink no more

😊😊😊 what a beautiful story and experience. I have never hunted before but I can tell it's fun. Those pigs sound really scary so be careful out there.

Hope you will enjoy this one more than the previous ones, would love to join you, so don't forget to write about it when you make that trip. 😊😊😊

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The trip over all is always a lot of fun. I'm very comfortable in the outback and wilderness which comes from having the right skills.

Pig hunting is exhilarating. We do it on foot and use rifles mainly. I always have shotgun slung over my shoulder with a couple solids loaded and ready though, just in case my primary firearm fails. Being charged by a razorback is no one's idea of fun. One of my mates was chased and got caught, gored and flipped into the tore his entire calf muscle off which was left hanging by skin off the back of his knee area. He was evac'd by helicopter.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to it and find the planning phase enjoyable also; lots of "planning meetings" which translates to BBQ's!