
Oh yeah it's so cold in there! To be honest the woodburner is more for me. If he wants me to sit in there and talk to him while he works he can at least keep me warm! He did want also to keep it for warming up to paint but ends up waiting for warmer days mostly. We picked it up free.

Cozy workshop, I'd live in there if it's warm enough \o
can't wait for dad's new house to turn the old one into a workshop, then I'll be able to work on my old car too. It's gonna be a hella motivating. Just not without a woodburner

Haha well real men can do it in the snow 😂

Have you watched Alone yet?

real men can do it in the snow

I identify as an updated orangutan 🤣

Haven't watched yet =/
being running around like a headless chicken

Oh busy?? Or just a hybrid orangutan chook?

What's chook? hyrid orangutan mixed with a sloth sounds more like me