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RE: The keys

in Outdoors and more2 years ago

Probably why you should make sure to remember to actually do the things you lecture about discuss before lecturing? :D

There's almost always someone home so there will usually be an unlocked door in the event of missing keys. Mine live in my bag and the bag comes with me almost always because it's just easier that way (it contains said keys which live on a keyring which also has my car key on it and my wallet which has driver's license in it among other things, plus I still habitually still carry a FAK though it really needs to be inventoried which I haven't done for a while seeing the children particularly youngest have long grown out of needing it every other day) and if it doesn't (if I'm just going for walkies it doesn't need to) I either make sure someone will definitely be home and absolutely is not going anywhere or the keys come with me in my pocket.

And worse case scenario I know how to break into my own house without actually breaking it.


Ah yes, now there's a different idea! The ability to enter one's own house (without keys) without breaking things is a good skill. Who needs keys! ✅

It’s slightly (orders of magnitude) easier with keys 😆

Yeah, keys make breaking into houses a snap really. 😊