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RE: Hiking, and multipurpose guy

Multipurpose guy reminded me of one time JJ, dog and I were out on one of our trails and at the top of a not-insignificant slope we saw these three older gentlemen who looked like they could be north of 80 perched up there admiring the view.

I think I'd be pretty happy to get to their age and still be merrily doing the same hikes.

Is Multipurpose Guy going to write a book about his findings? I reckon that would be an interesting read.


I think there comes a time when a person just needs to be still within oneself I mean (not physically) and maybe that's how those old fellas do it, wandering about in nature, admiring the view and all.

Multipurpose guy is compiling a document for sure, I don't think it'll be turned into anything other than it is although it could very well be as I think, like you, it would be interesting.