
Plan B is coming along then?

yup. I have a gut feeling it will be plan a. Which in a lot of ways I don't mind as I am starting to see plan b as my preferred option ;)

So, if plan B is preferred, but it looks like plan A is likely, does that actually make A B and B A?

yup plan B is looking like it's going to be the way to go. So I am prepping for it. Will take 5 months but hey what else we going to do lol

You'll get it done. I'm looking forward to hearing about it.

It won't be what people think but its something we very nearly did 12 years ago. Unfinished business so to speak

Well, you don't seem like the type to do things on a whim so I'm sure it'll be strategised to some degree, and you'll focus on mitigating risk.