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RE: Your prepping should continue, even at a higher cost!

Sadly it's true, hyperinflation is here; so get what's possible, and we'll have to make the rest!

Trading fiat currency for hard assets is wise right now, while there is still some value there! We are in the first stages of economic shutdown (denial), that will inevitably lead to economic chaos.

Storage has been a problem for a while, but I'm working on it, LOL! The SHTF will limit this soon enough....

I'm planning to mill some lumber soon for building supplies, to avoid retail. It should help a lot, and my new framing will be oak instead of pine! But I do buy some retail....



It's the same here with prices skyrocketing, especially on food. If you buy something today, in six to twelve months you'll look back and be glad at the amount you saved on it.

Storage can be tricky, but it needs to be prioritized or all the other stuff that's currently taking up that space won't mean very much if you aren't at least semi-stocked up. So it's worth the investment to shuffle things around.

I like oak, it'll do well for you and will outlast pine by years!

Some prices have doubled already, but I'm still buying, for when things go ten times higher! sadly, you're right on the direction things will go.

Safe storage is hard, but these smaller containers won't allow large quantities to be lost if something happens to one! It's more expensive that way, but easy to store smaller amounts.

Storage is a real problem, as I have been prepping for decades; and I still have a lot of supplies to move!

The oak tree I had to cut down (it died) is about two and a half feet in diameter, so it will make a lot of lumber.


Shame, that poor oak, sounds like it was a beautiful tree. At least it's going to be used nicely and not go to waste. Around here they fell trees and just leave them to rot, quite sad really.

I think smaller storage containers is always wise because then if something does happen, you might not lose your entire cache of goods, you might only lose some of it (to spoiling or pests for example), although looks like you are taking everything into account. I wish I was as organized as you are. I'll get there eventually.

Everyone preps at a different rate, so you're doing fine! Just keep working at it, you'll get there....
