My paragliding experience: Living the adventure in the sky and beyond [EN]

in Outdoors and more7 months ago

Soaring Through the Skies and Beyond! 🪂🏔️


Hello, My friends, Hive community! Today, I want to share an experience that was always in the corner of my dreams but never imagined it would become an unforgettable lesson in trust and personal growth.


Paragliding: More than an Adventure, a Lesson in Life

While I don't fear heights, paragliding was always a thought in my mind but never made it to my wishlist. Until one day, I decided to take the literal and figurative leap, facing not only heights but also challenging my trust in others and myself.

This activity, which might seem extreme, turned out to be a perfect exercise in building confidence. Sometimes, facing our fears head-on is the best way to overcome them. I recommend everyone in the Hive community, even those afraid of heights, to dare to live this unique experience and allow themselves to trust.

Regulations and Conditions: Safety First

It's crucial to remember that paragliding has its regulations and conditions. From a minimum and maximum weight to the required age and the need to be free from heart issues, it's essential to meet these requirements to ensure safety during the activity.

Adventure in the Heights and Lunch in the Mountains

The journey to the top was quite an odyssey. We traversed steep paths in a robust 4x4 jeep, adding excitement before taking off. Once in the air, the 40 minutes of flight offered a spectacular view and an indescribable sense of freedom, albeit a bit chilly due to the altitude.

Upon landing, we enjoyed a well-deserved lunch. We opted for a delicious cachapa, a typical dish from my country made from corn, accompanied by grilled meat and cheese. A perfect combination to recharge after such a unique experience.

Celebrating a Birthday in the Heights

This trip was not only an adventure for me but also a special celebration. It was my life partner's, my boyfriend's, birthday, and we decided to celebrate it in a unique and thrilling way. Together, we've explored many outdoor activities, from hiking to enduro, but this paragliding experience undoubtedly takes the prize.



What's Your Extreme Adventure?

Now that I've shared my paragliding experience, I'd love to hear about the extreme adventures you've had. Have you flown in a paraglider, or have you ventured into something even more extreme? Tell me your stories in the comments!

I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed living this experience! 🌟✨

Bye, I hope see you in other post.💜

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All images belong to galenkp and none are for your use

What a scary adventure you had! I am afraid of falling off heights, but I'll put this in my bucket list!

Yessss, but It was a best experience on my 2023. Yesss, it's a good idea!! I like it😊

Wow! I'm not sure that I would survive the same experience... lol... I was flying by plane many times, but not sure that I would be able to fly without having something under my legs... lol...

Thanks for sharing!

Qué brutal aventura!!! La tenemos que hacer juntas. Gracias por compartir esta fascinante experiencia.
