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RE: Isaac Newton's third law

Good to see G-Dog continuing to train his brother in the mastery of firearms. Not only does G-Dog know his way around orange cakes and cheezels, but he also knows physics! Those shots turned out pretty great, by the way. It really shows of very well the subsequent happenings of a pistol after you've pulled the trigger.

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Old G-dog is more than just a pretty face you know...He gotz skills.

That, and a huge appetite for Oreos! Honestly, I can hear people crying out in horror at empty shelves in the snacks isle, just because G-Dog's hoarded Oreos by the crate-loads in his basement.

Lol...I'll leave a packet or two for the others. Maybe.

Speaking of, I'm was just snacking on a packet of chocolate Oreos earlier. It might be sacrilegious sentiment, but I think it's better than the milk ones.