SuperHive Documentations & Bug fixes update

in HiveDevs2 years ago (edited)

Some news about the SuperHive project. I wait about the update to make 2 news in one post.

After many days, I've started the documentations ! But that's not all ! I've also made a small bug fixes update !

User Documentation & Doc Engine

Only the user documentation has started but it's available here:

-> <-

I prepare the Designer docs to have some more beautiful themes.
And last, but not least, I develop the module engine and write thee developer docs to add more features to SuperHive !

This illustration is from, an open-source illustrations project

The documentations will be updated each month (or less). If you have some feedback or question, as usual, the comments section is open !

Update 0.4.1 : bug fixes !

This is a small update but I fix :

  • Fix Admin Minify bug (Minify system is removed, will be replaced)
  • Fix PHP-He-Tools bug for wallet page (New PHP HiveEngine lib version broke the wallet page)
  • Fix Image drop on editor bug (You can upload image by drop on editor)
  • Fix social save button bug (Which erased all previous config)

For the next update, I want to add some great features for writers. Tell me if you need something before.

Illustration taken from , an open-source design initiative

The update is available on the GitHub release page

Hope you'll enjoy my work. Don't forget to up-vote if you like it ;)

PS: 10% rewards goes to @unklebonehead who help me to break things. It's a really great beta tester for this project !

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Thank you so much dear @bambukah for your work for the development of the hive ecosystem tools. You are playing a great role. Keep it continue.

Aww! Thank you! @bambukah!!!
I love breaking things, especially yours!!!!!!! ROFL!

Great work !

Yay! 🤗
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This is the guy who's developing the WP but for Hive thing. And here is some info for you! Happy weekend 😆🌺