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RE: Weekly update on Hive HF24

in HiveDevs4 years ago (edited)

Many of the HF24 changes won't be very noticeable on the front end.

We are generally able to make frontend updates all the time and such changes aren't constrained to be released at hardfork time. Those types of updates are generally reported directly by whichever dev is responsible for a change. I did create a post that summarized some of the recent changes for when we updated the site to roll out some of those changes:

Now there are some changes to the backend that were required for new frontend features. One of those is discussed here: . The goal of this change was to replace the current centralized blacklists and mute lists with opt-in decentralized lists that provide a better balance of security and freedom of choice on the Hive platform.

The new changes should also result in the frontend response times being a bit quicker, because of the increased efficiency of the backend, but this may not be as apparent until we've optimized all parts of the system (it's like the weakest length in a chain theory: you have to optimize all the parts to really get the benefit).

Edit: oh, I just remembered there are some improvements to the proposals page on that are waiting some of the HF24 changes, so that's another frontend improvement that should be rolled out shortly after HF24. This will include displaying more information about proposals and also allowing for some forms of editing of the proposal (e.g. ability to lower requested funding).


That's quite exciting to know. Honestly, most normal users don't care much of how it works underneath as long as everythings seems OK on the surface, but I do appreciate improvements a lot.

UI/UX can be subjective, but better backend gains more trust to the software. :)