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RE: Ecency development and maintenance #4

in HiveDevs8 months ago

Hello guys,

I am wondering if you would be interested in developing features as open protocols for all of Hive. Here's the basics of the idea: define a protocol for how the feature will work, what blockchain data it will use and so on. Then develop a backend node software that collects this blockchain data in an SQL database and provides an API that powers the feature. And then your frontend simply uses that API. In this way, the feature you have developed can also be used by other frontends. It becomes a common feature for all of Hive.

Curious to hear your thoughts on this.


Yes, that makes sense and with advent of HAF, I believe we can try to migrate our eSync service which we built our a lot of features based off. It won’t be over night migration though because eSync structure is specific and syncs data needed only to those specific features. Thats why we added section to contribute to the hive core development in our proposal.

Sounds great. :)