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RE: Proposals with Payment on Delivery on Hive. How I would do it.

in HiveDevs4 months ago (edited)

Great ideas. I guess a very simple approach could be something like this:

  1. Proposer makes a poll to check level of support for proposed deliverables and funding (and negotiates them as needed)
  2. If proposer is happy with the level of support received, they do the work to deliver all deliverables or milestone 1
  3. Proposer makes a proposal to get paid for what has been delivered

The decentralized community has interest in making the payment after delivery so that the proposer, as well as other proposers, can continue to want to deliver useful things to the community. At the same time, the community can comment on the proposal and express their satisfaction or not with what has actually been delivered. So smaller milestones will probably work better (especially for new proposers) and what has been delivered can get adjusted if/as needed.


Yes, your process is simple and I like it for some cases (and I believe it was even used, apart from the poll part). The only problem I see with it is that it's often difficult to gather support when needed (even harder twice), and if we are talking about bigger payments, they can't be paid out all at once due to the daily limit for payments made from the DHF.

The daily limit is generally not an issue if payments are made regularly in an escrow account, and it is less likely, in my opinion, to do the work according to the specifications described when the proposal was made and not get paid if there is this mechanism of delivery check at the end.