Ecency development and maintenance #2

in HiveDevs3 years ago

Project description

Year 2021 was a great year of growth, in just 12 months reached global 23k top Alexa rank. And our development team didn't stop entire year. Many releases and improvements both mobile application and website, desktop apps. We continue to be the community owned frontend with more and more people contributing to our cause. Check these awesome people who are contributing, we are adding previous contributors and new people everyday.

We are really excited about future of Hive and how far we came together as community.
Ecency website is built with cutting edge technology, the fastest frontend on Hive. Ecency mobile application is feature full, complete mobile experience to onboard masses. Services like dedicated imagehoster instance and custom unified push notifications for website, desktop and mobile apps makes Ecency stand out and future proof, scalable and all of that is opensource. 🚀 We love our community and platform we are building together and set it free so it can find a life of its own.


As of right now, our team maintains and continue to develop following services, opensource.

Do you think Ecency brings value to Hive?

With this proposal we aim to cover a lot of the features on our roadmap as well as help us support open infrastructure to scale and offer unique, niche products and features. Please support Ecency in our mission to create opensource, decentralized, thriving, innovative softwares for Web3.0 communities!

Explanation of proposal costs

90% of these funds will be used to develop new features and 10% covers server costs. Plus Witness earnings from @good-karma which is already dedicated to this mission, additional funds will certainly help bring back couple more mobile developers and more actively push our mobile onboarding efforts. We also have regular newsletters and press-release updates to help with Hive and Ecency branding. Continuously add missing features to Ecency opensource website. Improve gamification via Pointing system that converts to Tokens, explore avenues of innovation on community points/tokens system. More focus on community spaces and customisations. Improve code documentation so we get more developers involved, building, discussing, cloning projects.


Fastest, secure, feature-full, unique and opensource website frontend, mobile application and desktop interface. Dedicated infrastructure to support and serve ever growing visits.
Image hosting instance that can serve you even oldest images from years ago. Try it our on and you will know what we mean, open any post older than 3-4 years and see if images load for you. We noticed some images are visible in our instance that are missing from other main instance. Dedicated Blockchain RPC node to handle traffic on Ecency apps and services.
And of course unique user experience and simple, quick signup that helps onboarding new people into blockchain social, blockchain tokens, trading, blockchain discovery and blockchain communities world.



Daily: 369 HBD
Monthly: 11070 HBD

Labor (Development+Management): ~160x2 hours per month, 9600 HBD
Recurring costs (Servers): ~$2100, ~2100 HBD

We have 5 developers and 1 designer/illustrator and getting all of them full time is not reasonable ask, so we are load balancing it with 2 full time person. But 5 devs will be working, 2 person mobile, 3 person (web+desktop), 2 person backend, plus 2 person designer/illustrator, all interconnected because some of us bring multiple skillset to the team.

State of DHF

  • As of right now there is around ~8 272 285 HBD available for proposals
  • Daily possible funding on Decentralized Hive Fund is ~82 722 HBD
  • We are asking Daily 369 HBD

We understand that during the duration of our proposal we may get partial funding sometimes, no funding sometimes. But it won't stop us from developing and delivering. We hope you see value Ecency brings to Hive and support us in common vision and goal!

Thank you!

Vote for this Proposal using Hivesigner
HiveBlog Wallet:


I started using the iOS app yesterday and it’s so amazing. Well done.

I also use it on an iOS device and I am happy with it

me too 👍

The points earning from activity is fun. It keeps me on the app regularly.

You guys are just amazing, I started using Ecency just few days ago and I'm having a lovely experience.

Keep up the good work, the future looks very promising.

Great to hear you're enjoying Ecency!
Are you using the app or desktop version? @funshee

I'm using the app

Me too! Isn't it wonderful?
Let me know if you have questions or need any help💫

Ooh! That's so cool to know, I will keep that in mind.

Thank you.

Keep up the great work as Ecency continues to grow and expand into 2022 and beyond!💪

Upvoted and curated @ecency

I’m pretty new to Ecency, but I already feel it’s my primary home. Coming from Reddit exclusively, the platform has many of the same characteristics I really enjoy; in particular, I like how it’s divided into communities. Much of the crypto/financial aspect of this platform still don’t really make sense to me, but I’m slowly getting the hang of it. Right now my favorite aspect is that we have a unique opportunity now to create the communities we wish to see. Most of my communities right now are just me, but I suspect they will grow as the overall user base increases…this is what im most looking forward to - not just posting my ideas and experiences, but learning from those of other users. One could argue that I could do that on Reddit already, which is true, but I think Ecency has the right pairing of restrictions and freedoms to really generate full-bodied, quality content. I know I’m arriving late compared to many, but I still feel excited that this is a pretty early time to get in on something awesome. Thanks for all the hard work you’re doing!

Community growths indeed will take some time and we are already seeing people creating active and engaging communities.

That’s definitely how it looks from my vantage. I really think this community has the right stuff to become something huge, and I am truly excited to be a (small) part of that growth!

I really haven't joined many communities. Which have you created?

Hi! I have a small but eclectic collection of communities, definitely all pretty niche, and still very new so I’m really the only one posting in them (so far!).

My groups (at the time of writing) include:
QuenaSabor - Indigenous flutes, instruments and music
Prison Hooch - a group for all things related to fermentation
Rucking - dedicated to hiking and ruck marching, from scenery to strength training progress, ruck contents and everything in between!
Instrument Porn - pictures of musical instruments. Descriptive text optional but nice :)
Magick - a place for all things related to the practice of magic, divination, witchcraft, sorcery and shamanism

Feel free to join if you are interested in any of these things, I’d love to see content from someone other than myself 🤣

You definitely got me laughing. I'm not sure I would have content for those channels, but I love the creativity!

Really a good structured program!

nice i like ecency update

i like the addiction of tokens tab

Ecency is wonderful. Great work.

Wow congratulations on reaching 23k global top Alexa rating! That is a really amazing feat to have accomplished. I'm still rather new to this platform but anything I can do to help and contribute I would gladly help out.

My vote doesn't really amount to much atm but you got it. I use your app quite often and I think it is most definitely the best and most rewarding front-end in terms of interaction and utility.

Voted and thanks for what is by a long way, the best and most professional DApp on the Hive blockchain.

Good to know about Ecency's description. It was especially nice to see the benefits of the Ecency's mobile apps.

We understand that during the duration of our proposal we may get partial funding sometimes, no funding sometimes.

Come on guys. No funding for one of the best, one of the most popular Hive blockchain apps? That would be a shame. Of course the amount of daily funding asked ($369 HBD) may sound high (it is more than my monthly pension-like income), but the community is also huge. The community should be able to solve the funding.

Ecency is my favorite Hive app. I am using it since the beginning (eSteem).

I give you some !PIZZA and some !LUV.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings from Hungary.


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@xplosive(2/10) tipped @ecency (x1)

You can now send $PIZZA tips in Discord via!

That's really great. Still, the fastest UI to access Hive blockchain with many, many new features. Congrats to all team @good-karma.

it's great having your kind of persons with positive mindset in and for Hive.
Jointly we shall move Hive to a greater height.

I only use ecency to post, vote, comment, read. You are in front of everyone! :)

Thanks for the update. I will be voting for this proposal.

You're my favourite front end and it's amazingly fast


I transferred 200 ecency points for ecency to vote on my post. And I haven't received any vote from ecency.

The post link is below

All boosts are manually reviewed and if your post is not chosen for a boost by a curator your POINTS will be returned to you. Try boosting your newest and best post.

We are a new team on hive and we have chosen to introduce our members via ecency because we believe it is one of the most promising interfaces and one of the most active in Hive ecosystem.
We appreciate this presentation and the details and perspectives on the evolution of ecency.

We hope you have a good evolution

How can others contribute to ecency's development?

If you are developer try which of our apps you would like to contribute.
If you know multiple languages, try helping our translation teams.
If you are community builder, engage community, use Ecency points to promote and grow.

👏🏻 Fantastic work @ecency guys! This App is one of my daily routines and makes Hive Blockchain easy available.

Good work
Really appreciate it

I’m not sure I understand the voting method. I keep seeing lists of people?

Klasse Arbeit, die Punkte finde ich super !!!

Ecency is a beautiful application, lately I've been using the “promote” function more and more, I should have started using it earlier

That sounds fabulous. If you need anyone with JavaScript, PHP, MYSQL, SQLITE, HTML, CSS.. I’m more than prepared to work Pro Bono

My support!
Great work as always staying on top with everything!
Keep it going :)

I am new on Hive, I registered through eccency and I think it's great

I just started using @ecency recently and can say that I'm very impressed with the speed of it....loading etc.
This has got to be the fastest front end on the Hive blockchain. Well done to you and your team @good-karma 😋👍
I support the proposal. 👍

Thank you for your support! We try to make sure experience on blockchain can be as fast as surfing web2.0.

I'm very impressed with @ecency speed and gamification. Good work. Well done. 👍

A few weeks ago that I discovered this extraordinary world of the great ecency and despite that I feel it’s my primary home. , the platform has many of the same characteristics I really enjoy and especially the cultured and ambicious people

Hey @ecency I am just wondering how come boost points are so much less worth today?

this is great

Very interesting! I am new and am fascinated to everything that is already built! CongratS

Good work! We still growing

I just started using the app two days ago and I'm loving the experience!!!

The view and everything.

Awesome project please do keep it up

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Keep try on @ecency 💪💪💪

Wonderful dapp! Keep up the good work.

Hi all friends support me

So important for growth you are!

As I'm using ecency from a very long period of time which makes my time shorter by just getting into the community with one click. From very first i love to browse on ecency. So there's no reason to not support this proposal. Thanks for making ecency a really cool place for people who are bisy in day to day life

I just added my support to this amazing project ♥️

Why have you been consistently rejecting my bossing for weeks with your own points. What's that supposed to mean? I'm resigning from posting on Ecency because you guys are dishonest. I can't use my points.

Do you know how boosting works? Please check page to learn more about it, if you still have questions join our discord to talk with our community curators directly.

It knows how it works, and I've had no problems before. Please enlighten me, why are the funds coming back to me?

Usually when there are a lot of boost requests by community, our curators prioritize unique authors, fresh content, spread more votes around (meaning prefer lower boosts), some times they just cannot catch up review of content after 24 hours from boosting and refund issued before they can check content. You get refund so you can try on other post or comment again. Or you can try promoting content instead of boosting... Please check here for info on boost refund:

Thank you for the information. In that case, I'll wait until your processing capacity increases, and for now I'm moving to Peakd. Good luck 😊

I don’t think we have capacity processing issue. There is daily vote and vote power limits and we do our best to spread votes around, that’s why we always say boosts doesn’t give you guarantee of curation it just gives you bit more chance. Good to have choices on Hive. See you around 😉

I doubt your reliability and impartiality, you sent back all the points I sent in bulk. Tell people that these are not their points, but yours, and only you have the right to decide what to do with them. And don't make them idiots

happy to be among the members of this ambicious community

Hey! For some reason, the points are returned to me and the increase in the reward for the post does not work. I don't understand the reason, please explain @ecency)