Hive Plug & Play Proposal

in HiveDevs3 years ago (edited)


This proposal is asking for 25 HBD per day to cover server costs associated with the public Hive Plug & Play node and pay for development.


15 HBD per day >> Amazon EC2 costs and DevOps
10 HBD per day >> 5-6 hours a week for development of new features, bug fixes and technical support for developers using the software

TOTAL: 1,500 HBD over 60 days

About Hive Plug & Play

Hive Plug & Play is a customizable block streaming and parsing microservice for custom_json ops on Hive. Hive dApp developers can use it to:

  • maintain a database of customJSON ops that they are interested in
  • filter and search the database using endpoints (called plugs) similar to Hivemind in design
  • stream customJSON ops of their choice to their apps in realtime
  • support dApps that rely on Hive's customJSON ops



Great. I think this can help make interoperability between dApps that much easier. As well as starting your own dApp.

Yes, exactly. It'll be as easy as designing your customJSON ops and accessing them via the public API endpoints or running your own custom node.