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RE: Why Not Simply Divide the DHF Payouts by the External Market Price for HBD Whenever It Rises Above 1 USD?

in HiveDevs3 years ago

As far as I can tell, those of us collecting a paycheck from the DHF have not been adversely impacted. If anything, we have benefitted, so far. I have lowered my daily pay in order to avoid being dropped, but that's not the only strategy being used.

I agree, though. A decentralized solution would be much better.


I suggest front ends make payouts 50/50 by default. Maybe even give users a chance to change their mind about 100% power up with a link to my post on why its better if it is set to 100% power up. These are @ecency @peakd and interfaces. There is only about 9% inflation and only 65% is that of rewards of posting and curation. Now the authors get 50% of those rewards. Now only 50% of of the award can be dollars. That leaves 50% of 50% of 65% of 9%. This is about 1% of the virtual supply of Hive in newly created dollars after one year. Maybe not enough to fix the HBD price but great if you're a struggling Venezuelan and getting healthy post rewards.

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