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RE: Open Polls Protocol - Initial Version

in HiveDevs5 months ago

future use cases

The Scholar & Scribe team has discussed using staked SCRIBE or SCHOLAR tokens polls to run 'Users Choose The Adventure' stories. @thinkrdotexe ran something like this manually, using comments as the votes. But having the L2 community tokens involved at a functional level would be reallllly neat.

Based on what's been described here, I think that this use case is already "ready" since it's pretty simple, but thought I'd shared anyway. 😀


That's an awesome idea! I love it

This would be great for zing stakeholder polling as well!

For sure! It basically gives an instant utility boost to every stakeable L2 token.

Yes, indeed. Enabling poll voting based on staked Hive Engine tokens (as well as other L2 sidechains that are in the works) is planned. Hopefully, this will enable a wide variety of use cases and experimentation with governance, and give each token/community a way to organize itself in whatever ways it wants to.