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RE: Native Ads (Alpha) is Live

in HiveDevs4 years ago (edited)

Amazing. This is exactly what I wanted to hear. Another fun feature I thought of is to include some kind of monetizer reputation, as in, those that burn the most hive through Native Ads should be allowed to show that to the Hive community or to advertisers.

This would essentially give them a kind of reward for burning hive. I know as a user that if two competing hive frontends, for example Ecency and PeakD were using Native Ads, I would definitely use the frontend with the highest burn percentage between the two, since it supports the price of hive.

Edit: Same applies to communities. If there are two gaming communities and one burns everything while the other keeps most of the rewards, I will definitely use the community which burns the most and post there/curate there.

Thank you for your detailed answer. I wish I could make that frontend, but I'm still an inexperienced dev and have a lot on my plate at the moment. I am sure there are people on hive much better suited for this, it doesn't sound super complicated. @theycallmedan is great at connecting people together for such work.


I like the Monetizer reputation idea. It's possible to calculate burn stats because we will have a lot of data to leverage: ad payments made by advertizers and the associated monetizers.

On top of burn stats, it's also possible to include other metrics as well, such as interaction stats as in how people interact with the ads/promotional content.

Lots of room to innovate.