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RE: Weekly update on Hive HF24

in HiveDevs4 years ago

But why is it stupid? Is it not stupid to expect people to invest in an ecosystem where they can't trade their investment based on market moves? I think their are fundamental economic issues at stake here. If 'big stake' doesn't want to encourage investment from small fish then the whole eco-system becomes nothing more than a small, but profitable, protected investment club for a very few people.
Anyway. appreciate the reply and I will look forward to further discussion on the topic at a future, and more relevant date.


I understand this concern, but you can already trade your investment based on market moves. Nobody is forcing anybody to power everything up and HODL. If you plan on selling, you just need to plan ahead or always keep a percentage liquid. Powering down is nearly free at the moment. And I still like the idea of a 50% instant powerdown after paying a burning fee of 5% or sending the fee to the DHF.

Maybe 8 weeks powerdown is okay, so you can get out 50% in one month, but that is a discussion for a later date, as you already mentioned.

A big problem with 4 weeks (which was introduced by Sun) is that, if we adopted it, we would recognize and acknowledge that STEEM has something that we want, too. That's a big red flag for me. It basically says their "blockchain protocol" is not that bad so we want to adopt this part for HIVE, when in reality STEEM is nothing more than a centralized spreadsheet that cannot even be called a blockchain anymore.