#DevLife001 - New Dev kid on the HIVE block, Looking to Help the Community!

in HiveDevs4 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone!

I just joined HIVE a few days ago, and I have to say I love it here already!

I'm super new to crypto, a bit more versed in the world of investing. After studying and researching HIVE, powering up/staking, etc, I felt like this would be a fantastic place to invest some of my monthly salary and to also become part of a new community.

I tagged the beginning of this post "DevLife001" -- I would love to perhaps interview/chat with other developers on the platform, or to even curate other developer stories/projects/experiences. I feel like this would be a lot of fun.


A bit about myself: I'm a web developer, but am also in the process of learning some more complex languages. I've been involved in digital marketing and design for the past few years, and really enjoy it!

There seem to be a ton of cool apps/projects springing up or already built around HIVE, and I'd love to find a way to contribute and learn how to become a part of this dev-ecosystem.

If I can assist any other devs that would take me under their wing, or an end-user that needs help with other web-dev related tasks, I'd be more than happy to assist as much as possible.

I've powered up ~7K HIVE already, and plan on powering up a massive load more over the next few months.


Thanks for having me here, and I'd love to hear from other community members <3

shoutout to: @acidyo, @thecryptodrive, @holm for the newcomer updoots previously!


Hello there, It's great to have you here.

You can join Hive Devs discord server: https://discord.gg/r9aaz7b
Here is official github repo: https://github.com/openhive-network

Thanks a bunch! Would love if someone would take up a sort of mentorship or something ... xD eager to learn, just need a bit of direction within the blockchain world!

If you have discord account, send me a dm: fbslo#8470

Welcome to the club man!
We can always use more developers! (although I am not one of them),
Hope to see you stick around! cheers!

Welcome. Although I know nothing of the world of development I do know that that is where a lot of magic happens. The more people we have on board bringing new ideas to Hive the better.

Hi! Welcome to the Hive Brother in Code :))

Welcome aboard mate!

I'm a web dev myself but I'm kinda like an advanced beginner at this point. Been on steem/hive for 3 years now.

Would love to connect with you. Hit me up for anything and I'll try my best to help ya.

See you around.

Welcome home bro

Welcome to Hive! I am sure you fill find some projects you want to dig into quickly, that's part of being here! All good devs stay busy :)

There are a lot of people here willing to help, if you are not in the Hive Discord thats a good place to start: https://discord.gg/aqM8Jjd

I do a weekly think tank in the voice channel there Wednesdays 6-8PM Eastern, feel free to swing by!

Glad to have you here!

Nice to meet you.
I followed and upvoted you. And you?

Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! I hopped on the HIVE disc, looking forward to interacting with the community :) Would love to build something useful for the HIVE community!

As for today, i'm spending it setting up a LAMP stack on Linode and building out an email marketing campaign web app/dashboard for clients :D