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RE: Proposals with Payment on Delivery on Hive. How I would do it.

in HiveDevs4 months ago

I guess there is more risk to the developer with payment on delivery. If in the end the votes change, then they might have done all that work for nothing. I am curious on the maintenance and updates of the product after delivery. With the ongoing funding, it is simple, but with payment on delivery, do they need to make a new proposal once all milestones were reached?


They need to take some risks too. Otherwise, the risk is reversed. That they get paid to do nothing.

And in my opinion, the risk is minimal for developers. Think about it. Only voters on their proposals (who are supposed to have liked at least one version of their proposal) are allowed to cast a vote at the end, on allowing or denying payment. So, they are likely to have a bias toward the proposal, not against it. Only if they fail to deliver or they do it in an unserious manner their voters would likely vote 'no'.

For maintenance, server costs, etc. the best option is a viable business solution (after a while). If that doesn't apply, then yes, a proposal with an ongoing payment applies, but that should be separated from the actual development proposal, which should be with payment on delivery.

That makes sense. It is a good idea, I hope the witnesses consider it.