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RE: Hive-Tube v7.2 Released

in HiveDevslast year

You're not explaining it any different. You just want to be correct, and you're not. If they gain 2 million users next month and those users stream your material you still get paid. Hive still 7 days. Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music... etc... still pay you without time constraints.


Let me explain this a different way. Let's say Odysee has 50 Million users. You post a post onto the Odysee platform. All 50 Million of those people upvote your content and you get paid.

Where will the perpetual money come from?

Also, when Odysee had only 5 users, were you able to get "perpetual passive income" then?

If so, how?

If people stop paying into the Social Security system, will those recipients continue to get paid in perpetuity?

If so, how?

Money (whether it's fiat, or a crypto like Hive) has to come from somewhere. Austrian Economics 101.

Anyone that distributes licensed material pays the owner. Either personally, or there are radio like services. Social security? Why is that even involved in this conversation about a video platform?

Where does all money come from? Someone makes it up and we all agree on it's value.

Why do you think owning your masters in the music business is a big deal? Because you get paid for those things forever.

Look into the entertainment industry. Once you realize owners want to get paid for their material regardless of "the when" and it's the volume over time.

No need to reach outside of how it all works. Again hive restricts the super creatives with the time. So it's not a soul source of posting. That's ok though.

I'm out.

"Social security? Why is that even involved in this conversation about a video platform?" - I am hoping that you will see that money does not grow on trees.

The term "currency" (like electricity, or the current of a river in nature) was chosen for a reason. Something gives that currency its value and momentum. Water does not flow uphill, so if that currency experiences an opposing force such as nature, or, nobody left who is interested in giving you "perpetual passive income", then your income will stop. Full stop.

"Where does all money come from? Someone makes it up and we all agree on it's value." - Someone like a central bank? I hope not. Value in a free-market is derived from demand, so you are partly correct when you said "we all agree on it's value". (minus your punctuation error of course)

You still have not answered my questions however regarding Odysee's 5 (or 50 Million) users scenario...

Where will your perpetual passive income come from?

If you "own" a Doctorate in "the music business", that is no guarantee that "you get paid for those things forever". Hence, not "perpetual".

Nothing is forever.
Nature and all things move in cycles.

You can like this to be however you want.

You're reaching into other avenues of anything with zero correlation besides money.

One for the retired.

One for the people that created property.

For you and I forever is short. Even after I'm dead people will own creative things of others for a profit, far surpassing 7 days.

I understand you probably worked diligently on this.

It's like signing property over to another for nothing.


Who wants to not gain from their work?

Is it just for friends?

I dunno, frankly at this point don't wish to continue. Wish you the best.

I give you multiple hypotheticals to help you to see where money comes from and how it is limited, not perpetual.

We are working diligently on Hive-Tube and a few other projects for the world, "for friends", and for our families. I've been releasing FOSS apps for the world since 1993 and many of them do not provide us with an income whatsoever.

"Why?" - Because the world needs more doorways out of this absolutely evil construct in which we currently reside.

When you are going around promoting Odysee as something that will guarantee people a perpetual passive income, you are misleading people.

I am 100% with you on this. You're not asking for perpetual income as @agorise is alluding to. You're asking for compensation each time your content is consumed. For instance, if there was a way that every time someone visited your content restarted the 7 day period, it would be a no-brainer...or if they had 7 days to upvote you to give you 'earnings,' that would be amazing. Lots of people don't like advertising...however, the only reason why TV or Radio is "Free" is because of advertising or it would have never caught on.

I have many YouTube channels. I know that my audience on YT is not on Hive and vice versa. For this reason, I started double posting-YouTube, then Hive. Sometimes in reverse. I know that after 7 days, my work is a loss on Hive; however, having earned thousands of dollars on YouTube on videos I posted over 5 years ago, I'm very much in favor of allowing an advertising option. As a matter of fact, I have considered creating my own front end where I could do videos on Hive, but I would allow the user to put up html code linking to an ad service for perpetual earnings. I use the word "perpetual" in the sense of perpetual "potential" earnings...meaning if no one ever visits my video in the future, I earn nothing; however, if I get 5 visits the first week, then 5 million hits just 2 weeks later, I get paid for the attention of the 5 million hits.

The "Charlie Bit My Finger" video has over 1B views. If they were restricted to only the first 7 days of views, they would have earned practically nothing. With advertisers, they've made MILLION$. The value is in attention. Advertisers pay to have it. On Hive, it's worth something because people are willing to buy hive to earn influence, otherwise Hive wouldn't be worth anything either...