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RE: Roadmap for Hive-related work by BlockTrades in the next 6 months

in HiveDevs3 years ago

Vote expiration for witnesses, proxies, and proposals

Vote decay has been brought up a lot, and I am generally not a fan of it as I don't want to turn Hive into an endless campaigning and vote begging.

I really love this approach, this solves the problem people are most concerned with, people voting and then going afk or dying, but it also prevents endless campaigning and vote begging.

I'm all for this!

Change 5min vote window to longer window and provide proportional rewards during the window

Curation is a mess right now, but this is mostly human behavior lack of protocols to solve the unfair advantage automated voting has. I don't agree with crippling automated voting though, not everyone can spend all day voting content. I believe this is a good compromise to remove a lot of the disadvantage manual voting has.

I'm really excited for anything that can improve the performance of Hivemind as we have now become far more dependent on it's performance and scalability.

I really would love to see a first layer token system (SMT or whatever) that supports the core functionality needed (which is very simple) and leave the rest to second layer. Although 1 second block time of a side chain is super attractive to gaming as even 3 seconds feels slow to interactive gaming.

My concern with a side chain, and why I have issues with Hive Engine is I want to see token transactions consensus so you can trust them, anyone can create a custom json saying they just transferred 1000 LEO tokens, no one but Hive Engine has access to the real database behind Hive Engine, so you have to then query their API nodes to verify this is a legitimate transaction. Custom JSON for this type of transaction is really hacky, and I would love to see something better.

That being said, I am a huge fan of getting smart contracts on Hive as soon as possible. Being able to offer free transactions with smart contracts would be a game changer and if we can just sign up one Gods Unchained like project, we could see amazing growth overnight.

We really need a USP (Unique Selling Proposition) that makes Hive a no brainer choice, adjusting curation and witness voting while critical won't do it. Smart contracts w/ free fast transactions could be a winning combination that puts us on the map.


DeFi has proven to be a huge success, with decentralized exchanges outperforming centralized exchanges in terms of liquidity and volume. We have been sitting on the SMTs (HMTs) for 4 years and it is time for us to join the proven trend.

Level 1 implementation offers much better protection and transparency for liquidity providers.

말 좀 들어 처먹어랏~! 다운보팅 고마해 확 쉐려뿐진닷~! 걍 뒈져~! 꺼져~! 빡큐~!

말 좀 들어 처먹어랏~! 다운보팅 고마해 확 쉐려뿐진닷~! 걍 뒈져~! 꺼져~! 빡큐~!

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