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RE: White papers or other documentation of existing curation-rewards schema for Hive and LEO?

in HiveDevs3 years ago

I will try to post an explanation of what I am trying to achieve sometime soon.

The essence of it is to:

  • encourage quality manual curation (both for large and small stakeholders)
  • not severely penalize large stakeholders who don't have time to manually curate
  • encourage autovoting to accentuate quality manual curation rather than overwhelm it, stifle it, bury it, or manipulate it (intentionally or unintentionally)

I plan to detail a proposed framework, with adjustable parameters, that should be able to accomplish the above objectives. Granted there will be tradeoffs (hence the need for adjustable parameters).

The framework draws from the field of manufacturing process control.


you can do an onsite distribution, i don't know how to make it transparent, but as a site owner you can see most relevant content and reward it independent from votes, for example a share of ad revenue.

Is like the miner, but a bit different :)