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RE: One-Block Irreversibility for Delegated Proof-Of-Stake (DPOS)

in HiveDevs2 years ago

Thank you for the post. Very insightful

Some questions.

Would not backup witnesses come into play if 15 from 20 top 20 are gone ( no matter what reason it would be).

Or does backup witnesses always need to voted in first?

Another 2 question ( offtopic):

TerraUSD opinions?

and what do you think about liquid assets on hive become private coins ( if wanted)

like p-hbd and p-hive. I would really like the idea for many reasons. Special not everyone wants to show how much holdings they have.

On Hive power it doesn't work but for liquid assets? Would you support it?


Backup witnesses have to get voted in unless the higher voted witnesses are disabled (signing key set to null).

ok. That's good to know. I mean it makes sense.

But what is if the case is not 25% disappear instead 35%. At this point, no blocks would be produced right?

Default minimum participation is 33% so if 35% disappear then it keeps going but if 70% disappear then most witnesses would stop producing. Meeting would have to be called and chain restarted (by resetting minimum participation lower temporarily until issue resolved some other way).

Thank you!

Learning new things these days :)