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RE: Happy Mother's Day and the Weekly Ten HSBI Giveaway!

I woke our two daughters (4 & 7) at around 5:45 AM. We snuck out to the grocery store, where we picked up the ingredients to make crab cake eggs benedict. Also was going to do mimosas, but champagne can't be purchased before 10:00 AM on Sundays in my I made them with vodka instead since we already had that.

I made the crab cakes and the poached eggs and hollandaise sauce while the girls made little flower picture frames with special notes for mommy. Once the food and drinks were made, the girls carried a plate and glass upstairs to her (I first checked to make sure she was awake).

After breakfast we revealed the beautiful frames and flowers they picked, and then spent the day together. We laid out in the sun and watched our kids playing, and eventually my wife went upstairs to make mothers day calls while I made spaghetti with parmesan roasted broccoli.

All in all it was a wonderful day. I maybe got a little carried away with the orange juice vodka deal...yesterday was rough - but it was a spectacular fun day as a family overall :)