Pull the switch, protect inner peace. Motivational Mondays

in FreeCompliments7 months ago

Greetings everyone, happy new week. Trust you are all good and jiggy..?

Over the years on my journey in life, I have encountered several persons with diverse personalities. I have often wondered how some live their lives being so insensitive to the feelings of others.

I feel extremely irritated with those who act uncaring of other's feelings. These persons purposely hurt those they call friends and they stay unbothered. Only if or when they need something from that friend, do they feel remorseful. You would think they have learnt their lessons but no, no, no...give them a few days and they are back to their way of behaving.

Image is mine

"Don't they get it?" I often wonder. I told a friend that what she did hurt me and that she should desist from it. I forgave her and we carried on our association but not less than thirty days interval and this lady repeated her error, hurting me twice as deeply than before. I cried and tried to swallow the offence but it was hard...what could I do...the Holy book says we should forgive... and that was what I did... I forgave her even without her apologising and all.

I took the higher road, another of my friend said to me. That encouraged me but it didn't take away the pain... rather I learnt to live with it. I sucked it up and it sucks.

Before I could say jack she hurt me again and this time around, I felt something die in me. I was so pained that I could hardly sleep for days..my inner peace was in turmoil. Do I retaliate? Or do I give her a taste of her own medicine? Would doing that not be akin to vengeance? All these thoughts raced through my mind, Leaving it in disarray.

More than anything, I cherish being at peace with all my tripatate parts,"soul, body and spirit*. I am conscious of my space and do well to avoid stressors. I was beginning to lose myself in the pain becoming a shadow of my vibrant self.

While meditating about the issue, it occurred to me that I could "use the switch". A light switch is used to cut the flow of current into a light bulb. So if you want to have light, you switch it on and if you don't, you switch it off. It occurred to me that I could apply that principle in my circle and relationships.

Image is mine

"Does that sound harsh..?"
"Does it mean that she's no longer my friend..?"

If self care is a crime, then call the police. I have decided to keep at bay anything or anyone that wants to cause inner turmoil and unrest. I have loads of plans to achieve and heights to ascend... I want no other weight that can drag me down.

If you want to be a friend, then be a friend. One definition I coined for myself about friendship is that..

A friend is one that is committed to invest in your course. Your friend is one who looks out for your growth and vice versa.

Many years have passed and this principle has been a great help to me. I don't wait for those in my space to hurt me continuously before I pull the switch. My mental health is important and my inner peace too essential.

Thank you all for reading, let's learn together via your comments below...shalom


So sorry to hear this. I have had someone like that hurt me twice and for a long time I was unhappy. What helped be to be at peace was never to expect anything friendly from him anymore. I no longer share anything with her and when she even comes for a gossip, I discourage her from it. Gradually, she saw that I don't care anymore and she is off my back. Don't allow her rob you of happiness, if you can avoid her but don't keep malice.

This ia exactly what I'm saying sis. I don't allow her free rein in to my space anymore. I also don't share things easily with her and neither do I allow gossip. So far I have had my peace and no more complain of offence anymore.

Thanks for your time on my blog... I really appreciate it.

Many times, I sit down and ponder a lot on this uncaring trait in some people's life.
"Were they created like that?" This is the question I never seize to ask.


Even I have asked this question endlessly and not gotten answers yet.

So I help myself by doing the needful.... keeping them at bay


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Many don't care about others that's why they will hurt someone and put on the attitude that nothing has happened.

This is so true..

Thanks for your feedback ma'am

One thing I have learnt in life is that not everyone is capable of changing, sometimes you just have to learn to tolerate them or let them go. We are all structured differently.

Pop in from #dreemport

Thanks, compliments of the season