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RE: The World Will Just Bury You When You Are At Your Weakest

in FreeCompliments2 months ago

My wife and I I have learned very recently that society will say one thing, but they mean something completely different. They say that want to understand mental health issues, but the reality is, they’ll sweep people who experience these condition under the rug at the first opportunity.

It’s not right, and one would be correct in thinking that it’d be different in 2024, but the reality is that it’s not much different than it has always been. If you don’t understand it; get rid of it. That’s the mantra.

I’m sorry you had to experience the humiliation you described in your post. Especially that it came from family too. I know it’s easier said than done, but keep your chin up. I hope you’ve now found ways to manage your condition that are helping you to live your best life.