Strength; The Heart of Motherhood

in FreeComplimentslast month (edited)


Most times I get to ask when mother's day really is. We hear of mothering Sunday and mother's day. If you ask me, I can't tell the difference.
Well, I said to myself, mothers are worthy of celebration time and again.

I'm not yet a mother but I've seen my own mother and sister who have been blessed with children. I see the passion and compassion with which they run their homes.

****This blog is dedicated to my mother, sister and every mother out there.****

In the history of human existence, few roles carry as much weight, sacrifice and responsibilities as the roles of a mother. Despite their incomparable geste, women are labelled as weak or inferior. If we take a closer look at history, we'll know that strength of women transcend the labelling they are given.

Despite the societal pressure, and countless criticism, many mothers choose to stay in their marriages. They suffer being snubbed, talked down and oftentimes let go of their careers for the sake of their children. The love of a mother is divine. It is fierce, unbreakable and cannot be quantified.

These mothers make heavy sacrifices to secure a better future for their children. If it means selling of their valuable properties, eating the same food for months and letting go of their dreams and aspirations, mothers don't bother. They'll say if it's for my children, then it's worth it.

A great number of mothers joggle between being a wife, a mother and a professional. They do so without breaking a sweat. Their capabilities cannot be matched in their respective niche. The strength of a mother transcends that of a legion of soldiers. When they're hurt, they keep calm, in their own weakness, they encourage others. It takes strength to overcome pressures, navigate life's complexities and persevere in the face of adversities and mother's possess it in abundance.

Most of the women I have encountered can choose to stay hungry so that their children will have more than enough to feed on. Some take loans to see their children through school. Others take up many more jobs to ensure multiple streams of income.


When it comes to being proactive, give it to the mothers, they can sense their children falling sick days before the symptoms show. They plan ahead, prepare for changes in the weather.

Mothers are experts in multitasking. Imagine a woman who combining breastfeeding her baby to assisting another with home work and preparing meals in the kitchen. It's like they came to the world with that default setting.

In a world where strength is measured by the outward display of power and dominance, women possess a quiet, unimaginable strength that is rooted in the love for their children and their spouses. It is found in the ceaseless, teary and unending prayers, silent words of encouragement, that reassuring pat on the back and unwavering support. If there is any support one can ever pray to have always, it is that of a mother. Though unnoticed by the world but cherished by those around them.

****On this mother's day, we're not only celebrating the strength of mothers but the incomparable impact they have on our society at large.****

We give you your flowers 🌹🌹

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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