
in FreeCompliments25 days ago

Hello everyone.
Today I want to talk about the symbolism of the bull.
In the past, this animal helped to plow fields.

If a person had a lot of cattle, he was considered wealthy.
Because of this, the bull was a symbol of fertility.

The element of the zodiac sign Taurus ♉️ is earth.
This connection is also evident here.
There is a children's riddle that goes like this -
Who is the richest in the world?

The answer to this riddle is the Earth.
And if you think about it logically, it makes sense.
The Earth is the richest element. It contains gold, oil, and other valuable resources.

Moreover, if the earth were not fertile, life as we know it would not be possible.

Here is how the symbolism of the bull is described in one of the books -

The symbol has a dual meaning. Usually, the bull embodies the male principle, the solar regenerative power, dedicated to all heavenly gods, as well as fertility, male productive power, and royal origin. In other cases, it symbolizes the earth and female natural power. When the bull becomes lunar, moon goddesses like Astarte and Europa ride it, and it signifies the taming of male and animal principles. A rider on a bull or bulls pulling a chariot are attributes of the solar warrior associated with the sky, storm, and solar deities. The roar of the bull symbolizes thunder, rain, and fertility. Being the embodiment of productive male power, the bull is associated with the fertile forces of the sun, rain, storm, thunder, and lightning.
Heavenly deities often appear in the form of a bull, and goddesses are depicted with him as a spouse. Bull sacrifices and taurobolia take place in the worship of Attis and Mithras, as well as in ancient New Year celebrations. Bull symbolism is common in Sumerian and Semitic cults. The man-bull is usually a guardian, protecting either the center, a treasure, or certain gates.

Jack Tresidder - "Dictionary of Symbols"

This man-bull refers to the Minotaur from Greek myths.

The Minotaur had a human body and a bull's head.
It is said he had a human soul.
And a "human name."
His name was Asterius - the meaning and translation of this name is "star."

The Minotaur was in the center of the labyrinth - can he be called a guardian protecting the center?

I think yes.

Jack Tresidder - "Dictionary of Symbols" Wikipedia Neil Philip - MYTHS AND LEGENDS Deciphered messages and symbols in the works of great masters


Цікавий пост.
Можна мінотавра гназвати: "Схованою зіркою в центрі лабіринту?"

Дуже складний міф.
Але імена на мою думку, дуже важлива деталь. Якщо притримуватися цієї думки. То однозначно
Мені сподобалось як цю історію показали ось тут. Це трейлер мультика..
бик був білим поки його не заперли до лабіринту.

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Астрологія скаже - що вихід лише в «определенные дни» - Паради планет.
Легенди додадуть - 4 точки року в яких відкриті портали.
Нумерологія скаже в зеркальні дати.



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