Four-lined snake

in FreeCompliments3 months ago (edited)

Elaphe quatuorlineata (common names: four-lined snake, Bulgarian ratsnake is a member of the family Colubridae.

The four-lined snake is a non-venomous species and one of the largest of the European snakes.
more information can be found here -

I took these photos at the zoo, and at that moment I thought that the snake thought I was Harry Potter.

Аnd mostly snakes do not pay attention to visitors.

They mostly rest, and look something like this -

And this personality is interested in everything.

Why do you think we are all so afraid of snakes? They say that they don't bite people unless they feel threatened... but the same question can be asked about caterpillars, beetles, spiders and mice…

Elaphe quatuorlineata (інші назви: чотирирядна змія, болгарська щуряча змія) ця змія є членом родини Colubridae.


Змія з чотирма лініями - неотруйний вид і одна з найбільших з європейських змій.

Більше інформації можна знайти тут - ![](

Я зробила ці фотографії в зоопарку.
В ось цей момент я відчула, себе Гаррі Поттером.

В основному змії не звертають уваги на відвідувачів.
Вони, зазвичай, відпочивають і виглядають приблизно так -

А ця особистість зацікавлена у всьому.



The snake seems so scary.

thank you for your attention 🤩 , yes, but she is not repulsive and wants to be friends?! ❓

I hate snakes! !LOL

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you're so cute… 😉😊

I fear snakes more than anything else in the world 😬

This is one of the most scary animals, but if it's a non venomous animal, then how does it defend itself when there is danger?

Perhaps …he runs away from the stronger ones and attacks the weaker ones? ✨

So power dey pass power for snake kingdom 🫣😜😜