My NFT Collection

in FreeCompliments6 months ago (edited)

I often wonder what NFT is, despite all the talk about my NFT recently.
Well, putting aside the technical details, for me, NFT is a tool to connect my artwork, which usually sits in my sketchbook or drawing apps, to the activity of "selling" it....
Just as the HIVE blog has given my work a place to be seen, I think NFT (NFT Showroom) is a place that adds value to my work. It's a fun system, isn't it?
For those who are already active as artists, I think it is also a tool to connect their works to the world.
The Splinterlands cards are also NFT… There are famous and very expensive NFTs and even a small artist like me can participate... There are many different forms of NFTs.

Now, there are many NFT marketplaces out there, but since HIVE has a wonderful NFT marketplace called NFT Showroom, I want to enjoy it as an artist and collector.
I recently purchased a few NFTs and I'd like to share them with you.

@jijisaurart is an artist who draws very cute illustrations, and there are many cute NFTs that are perfect for PFP for different occasions.
She recently added very cute Christmas themed NFTs. They are so cute!


@akipponn shares her love of vegetables in her vegetable art. They are colourful and fun. She also collaborates with her daughter creating different monsters. Don’t forget to check @monster.factory. I think some monsters are about to be born.


@yadamaniart also shows her work on the HIVE blog. She is an artist who also holds solo exhibitions. She usually paints on canvas with paints, but she shares her digital works at NFT Showroom. Both her analog and digital works convey a unique and powerful texture of paint and color.


@koto-art shares her paper cutting art which was originally made in analog and processed digitally for NFT. She also publishes her work on the HIVE blog. If you look closely at every corner of the paper cutting area, you can see many different stories. It’s very interesting.


I found @viviana28's work through @go-kyo. It is a Christmas artwork, and at a great price! I bought it too. It looks like it was done on paper with watercolor painting… Very beautiful.


I received this piece from @juliakponsford as a gift. Julia is a member of the NFT Showroom team and also on Discord helping many artists. Her work is beautiful and mysterious. It is very unique and once you see it, you will never forget it.


What do you think? Why don't you take a look at NFT Showroom? You might find some art that you can't find anywhere else!

Well, I couldn’t resist. I’m going with this PFP for this Christmas. This is tooooo cute!
I Hope you will find something cool as well.




HIVEブログが私の作品に“見てもらう場所“を与えてくれたように、NFT(NFT Showroom) はその作品に価値をつけてくれる、そんな場所かな…なんて思います。楽しい仕組みですよね。

さてさて、他に有名なNFTマーケットプレイスはありますが、せっかくHIVEにはNFT Showroomという素敵なNFTマーケットプレイスがあるので、アーティストとしてもコレクターとしても楽しみたいものです。











@juliakponsfordさんのこちらの作品は、ジュリアさんからいただきました。ジュリアさんはNFT Showroomのチームの方でディスコードでもお世話になっています。作品は綺麗で不思議です。めちゃめちゃ個性的で一度見たら忘れないと思います。


どうでしょう?皆さんもNFT Showroomを覗いてみませんか?掘り出し物のアートが見つかるかもしれませんよ!

。。。ということで、今年のクリスマスは@jijisaurart さんの作品でいきます。衝動買いですw 可愛すぎます!



That’s all for today.

Thanks for visiting!



Thank you very much for making me part of your collection, that's right, just as you described it, a work done by hand in watercolor and ink on paper and then digitized and animated with a couple of effects.

Thank you so much for creating such a beautiful artwork. I feel so lucky to own it!




Thank you so much!! 💖 You have a great collection!


I do!
I'm so happy🥰

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「NFTって何だろう」の自分なりの答えはまだ出ないままですが、ジンさんのギブアウェイでNFRShowroomを頻繁に見るようになり、欲しいな、集めたいな、と思うようになりました。といっても5~10 SWAP.HIVEくらいの、投稿の報酬から捻出できそうな額のものからにはなりますが、少しずつ集めていきたいです。


NFT Showroomがちょっとだけ賑やかになったかな…

I especially love Eat me and heal yourself that one is so cool!

Paper cutting add the extra touch to her artwork. I admire her patience of working on such a delicate and intricate design.



@djynn さん、ありがとうございます!NFTを買ってもらった、売れたというこの体験をできて本当に感謝しています。私もNFT Showroom盛り上げるのに貢献できたらいいなと思います。
