Daily Splinterlands Giveaway #67

in FreeCompliments3 months ago


Hello everyone,it's time for another round of daily giveaways! Every day I will be giving away a Splinterlands card from the Rebellion or Riftwatchers edition.

The rules are simple:

  1. Leave a comment below this post within the next 24 hours (before I announce the next giveaway). If your username is different from your in-game name, please include it in your comment.

  2. There is no need for upvotes, reblogs, or follows!

  3. Please don't use multiple accounts or bots; let's make it fair for everyone.

I will use https://wheelofnames.com/ to select winners.


Today's Splinterlands card for the giveaway will be the Mar Toren Seeker. Best luck to everyone!

Yesterday we had 14 entries. The winner is @subidu. Congratulations! I've sent the wrong card to you. If you want the exact card, let me know.

About Splinterlands:

Splinterlands is an innovative digital trading card game that provides players with full ownership over their in-game assets.

If you decide to join, feel free to use my referral link. Also let me know if you have any questions or if there's anything I can help you with.


About Terracore:

Terracore is an open-source game built on top of the powerful Hive blockchain and ecosystem, which enables a vibrant marketplace and social experience for virtually all the game’s assets.


My favorite non-kyc crypto exchange to buy-sell Hive and other cryptocurrencies. Coinex

Earn Grass Token

Latest giveaway participants : @rtonline, @henruc, @daethical, @marilour, @gs1, @olaf.gui, @tariksaran, @stamato, @almajandra, @skoumpri, @micay, @booboohabibi @subidu, @paperman. If you don't want to be tagged, please let me know in the comments section, and I'll remove you from the tag list.


Count me in

ign @olaf.gui

Count me in!
ign: @pero82
Thank you

Count me in my ign : @rtonline
Good luck to you all.

Thanks for the chance
count me in @tariksaran

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This post has been supported by @Terraboost with a 70% upvote! Delagate HP to Terraboost to Earn Daily HIVE rewards for supporting the @Terracore community!

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