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RE: A New Job Listing & Job Creation with Hive Stake-Based Income as Payment: Promotional Compliment Writer for the FreeCompliments Community!

We brainstormed better words for the well known acronym when Hive launched, and it's actually been Hive Stake Based Income the entire time we've been on Hive. Nobody that already knows how it works reads the FAQ, or they skim the intro and look for the section they're looking for, so it never caught on.


Wow! I guess that includes me then! 😂 I've read through that FAQ several times, skimming as I look for the info I need as you say, yet my eyes must have skipped over the name each time.

Well, I just set two text expansions to change SBI to HSBI and SBI() to change to HSBI (Hive Stake-Based Income) so I'll do my part to spread the official name.