Discipline speaks

I witnessed Ronaldinho walk out of Paraguay's prison following a plea deal in documentary. Two years after retiring from professional football, he lost everything and decided to enter Paraguay with a fraudulent passport, where he and his brother were apprehended... I couldn't comprehend how things had gotten so horrible so quickly... One thing was true: Ronaldinho had a discipline issue from the outset.

You can't hide indiscipline for long, so I don't care how big a TALENT you are or what the world and your X (Twitter) followers think of you and your massive talent. You could be the BEST thing since Toast Bread, but if you lack personal discipline and a positive attitude, it will all crumble in no time. A recent example is P Diddy.

Being TALENTED is only one part of the story; having a positive attitude and discipline are also important. Some people have no degrees or PhDs, but they have terrific and teachable spirits, and they have gone on to achieve huge success in their fields of interest... I have also seen the indisciplined over skilled finish like a fart in the wind in variety of academic fields.

What is my point? Who you are is more essential than what you do or have! So develop your character, and your gift will shine forever!
picture credit Ralphs