Drugs or Herbs

in FreeComplimentslast month

This morning i woke up feeling much better than yesterday morning. Looks like the medications is now working compared to two days ago when i was in deep pains. Maybe it was because i started taking herbs since yesterday evening.

Many people around the world dont even know much about herbs except for us here in africa. In Africa, herbs is the number one go-to for many ailment. It is only when herbs isn't that effective with an ailment that people only go see a doctor to know whats wrong with them. And eventually a prescription to heal.

I think there a lot of debate among people about which is much better and effective in treating ailments. Is it herbs or drugs?
For some people its drugs, for some its herbs.

Tbh, im not so in love with taking drugs. I prefer going herbal. But my dad on the other hand prefers drugs. Anytime me or any of my siblings is not feeling it what he does is to drive us to the nearest hospital.

He'll say there are some things that are treated with herbs, and others that needs real medicine. Which i do agree with because not all ailments can be cured with herbs, and vice versa. But i bet some herb loving friends of mine would diaagree.

In my case ive been taking drugs prescribed by the doctor but i didn't see much improvement. My feet are still weak to walk and my head bangs like a machine that works all day without rest.

Apparently this is what the modern world relies on heavily. However in my case i haven't been feeling it as each drugs I've taken in the last two days haven't really put me in a better place healthwise.

So for that reason i decide to go get some herbs that could get the job done since i know what's wrong already. On getting there i made my complains about how i feel and the woman got the herbs mixed up in a certain order that i do not know.

On getting home i drank from it as i was told by the woman to split it into two drink the half today and the rest in the morning after breakfast. I did as instructed and this morning im very much in a better mood than yesterday evening.

Sometimes these things works, sometimes they don't. And that's not only with herbs but also with drugs.

There are times people take drugs that has zero effect on their ailment. So its safe to say its best to do what works for you. This time herbs is working find and i think ill have to get there today to get another fill so i can be healed completely.

I know many people who are not from here don't have much knowledge about herbs. But this is a process where various plants, be it thier leaves, bark or any part of a plant is being cooked with water. The toxin in the water is what you drink to get better. Many people have been saved from countless ailment through this method as they are quite effective. If you want some just let me know.

Catch you next time