Talk it out Thursday | Bad Habits Die Hard

in FreeCompliments2 months ago

They do. And for the fact that they do, it becomes hard to add in good habits.

For the past few days(if not weeks) I've been sleeping really late at night. Yes, this is one of the habits I've talked about in the past where I planned to stop. Yet here I Am.

Still Stuck in the Circle...

I would've loved to start taking sleeping pills to force myself to bed biologically, but that won't solve the underlying issue even if it does for some time.

There are a lot of bad habits like this that we as humans are susceptible to falling prey like too much scrolling, screentime, and not enough solitude to become more aware of our actions.

In the awareness league, I would say I'm much more aware than the average.

Although I still get sucked into the abyss of distraction im always conscious of which path it is im taking and where exactly it will lead to. Many don't know this and think that since it's something everybody does then why can't they do it?

If 100 million people say something stupid...its still stupid.

You should drink coke because everyone does. Another stupid. You should hit the blunt because I do and I'm still on it and didn't die prematurely...still stupid.

Many of us nowadays have adopted bad habits as a norm just because they are validated or labeled by others as good. For this reason, we've created a culture of attention and validation where if a million people are not supporting my views then it is not true or important.

This alone has become an innate habit in the average human of today.

Technology is good but we've blinded ourselves to think that because everyone is using it then it's very good and comes with no consequences, and if they do it's all a part of the change, revolution, civilization, disruption, and on and on...

The list is endless....all these are words being echoed into people's ears. And when they hear this many don't want to be left out, so they also keep on searching and looking for a way to be a part of whatever disruption is about to take place.

A life where you know all the cues can be eye-opening as no one can stop you if you see the mistakes. But if you can't even see what going on or what you are thinking and why you're thinking about it then the bad habits will never reveal themselves as bad, but a sugary drink wrapped in plastic with a red label telling you it is time you have a sip because everyone already has.

Then you go for a sip again, and the cycle continues...

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