An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away.

in FreeCompliments8 months ago

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An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away.

Consuming an apple a day keeps The Doctor away, The statement answers itself. If we consume an apple a day then we will be healthy and no need to go for medical check-up.Apple is a most nutrious fruit which contains varieties of nutrient such as vitamins, fibers and others nutrients too which will help to boost our immunity system, proper digestion, overcame the risk of various heart diseases . While talking to the apple I just remember about the Guava fruit. They are also most nutritive fruit as like a apple. I have seen lots of people ignoring guava at home and buying apple for consumption. Purchasing apple cost more compare to guava...If you have financial problem then you can choose guava instead of apple to be healthy and free from doctor.

What are some practices/habits you do to make sure you're healthy?

While coming to the habits/practices for being healthy person. I just consume single slice of a apple a day but others varieties of fruit more which fullfill my diets and provides all the nutrients. In terms of exercise, I just work in my field which emphasis 2 benefits at a same time for me. Firstly my field get fine and better crop can be grown Secondly, While carry outing field operation it would be like an exercise.At lastly I can say that I'm healthy because I consume vegetables and different crop that is not treated by any artificial chemicals. I always avoid use of chemicals pesticides and different P. G. R (Plant growth regulators) too.

How did you discover these activities? Did you discover the activities/habits by yourself or someone told recommended them to you?

I think consumtion of fruit does not required any recommendations I do with myself and while coming to the work! Agriculture is my personal activity I just do my agriculture activities for own purpose. No need of recommendations.If I will not do this kind of work then I will be facing hand to mouth problems.I haven't got recommendations but I have recommended many peoples to do agriculture activities by giving higher priority to natural fertilzers.

What are the health benefits of the habit(s)?

There are many health benefits of consumption of fruit and the work I perform such as:

  • Consumtion of fruits can lead to be a healthy person by providing varieties of nutrient.
  • Consumption of fruit reduces various kinds of heart diseases, boost immunity power as fulfill daily diets.
  • Performing agriculture activities makes you physically active, fulfill daily exercise, reduces obesity.
  • Agriculture activity reduces dipperissons too.. In this way.. While working in the field you will be busy in your work no any time for thinking fellow things..!
  • Giving priority to the natural fertilzers means saving life in broad concept.

Do you think everyone could engage in these habits?

I think every one consumes fruits as their diets daily but while coming to the agriculture. Many of us Dominate agriculture and be shy for performing agricultural works. If you have fields then,Engage in agricultural work.. I have given advantages of it in upper potions. Give respect to the agriculture. Engagement of youth is mostly necessary for agricultural work instead of going foreign for earning money.It can grow up country economy.... Remove the hunger of your country by doing commercial farming if you have field.. Not then at least perform non-artificial chemicals production for own consumption for better health

This much for today!

Thankyou so much for giving your valuable time to read my article. Give your opinion in comment box. Stay safe stay healthy! ❤️☺️