MY DAILY CHORE: 31 - 05 - 2024

in FreeComplimentslast month


As a diligent individual, following my recent update yesterday, I took it upon myself to witness events firsthand, as promised. Exhausted from the journey, I retreated to my bedroom and settled on my bed. Initially planning to rest due to the government's directive of a three-day stay-at-home order, I found myself unable to sleep due to incessant notifications on WhatsApp. Reports flooded in from various parts of the South-South and Eastern regions, painting a grim picture of the events that unfolded in Aba, Abia State, Enugu, Enugu State, and other Igbo territories.


I received a disturbing video via WhatsApp depicting the chaos in Ogborhill, Umungasi, Ngwa-Road, and other areas of Aba in Abia State, Nigeria. The scenes captured in the footage showcased widespread destruction and an atmosphere of intense fear. Tragically, innocent lives were lost as a result of the violence that erupted.
Last night, reports indicated an impending illegal mass arrest in the locations featured in the video. The situation was dire.

TODAY 31 - 05 - 2024

I rose early to prepare my personal devotional message. Following its completion and sharing on FreeCompliments, I returned to bed as it was still early.
At 6:30 am, I engaged in a spiritual session with my wife centered around the theme of 'Prayer'. After offering prayers for others and ourselves, we concluded our devotions and shared a moment of grace.

While my wife proceeded with her kitchen duties, I remained seated to draft this post. Neglecting my personal grooming, I prioritized composing this message before tending to other tasks.

To confirm the validity of the current stay-at-home order, I made inquiries and confirmed its enforcement. Adhering to the directive, I opted to remain indoors today, recognizing the value of life. Meanwhile, my neighbor ventured out on a motorcycle to monitor the situation. I chose to await his return at home, mindful of the Igbo adage that praises preparedness for the future.
Before attending to other responsibilities, I will reunite with my wife at our residence. A brief interlude for personal hygiene and additional chores will precede my return.


Venturing to the kitchen, I observed my wife engrossed in the preparation of garri and soup for breakfast. Given the closure of our shop due to the ongoing stay-at-home order, our provisions were limited to a bag of garri acquired during a family gathering.

With scarce options for sustenance, I partook in the morning meal of garri, resigned to the circumstances that dictate our current reality. As the day progresses, uncertainty looms regarding the contents of subsequent meals.

Following a refreshing shower, I retreated to my bedroom, seeking solace and a conducive environment for composing stories and messages. Tomorrow, I anticipate providing further updates on the day's events.
Until then, I bid you farewell, and eagerly await your feedback in the comments section. Your support is deeply appreciated!