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RE: [EN/PT-BR] Being human is crazy.

in FreeComplimentslast month

What you've told me is really sad, seeing so many different people doing something so wrong, in a moment of pain and despair, is something so senseless that it's hard to believe it's really happening. The human being is a madness without brakes at times, lack of love for others, lack of compassion and empathy.

It's really complicated and something that really upsets us.


Despite everything, from time to time I encounter situations that make me think that there are still good people.

I sadly recognize that it is more common to find people with negative attitudes. But for the few good people I find, it's still worth trying to do what's right.

You just said it all, we can't give up the points, if for every 10 bad people there is one good one, we should be happy, because there is still at least one person doing something good.