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RE: Weekly Ten HSBI Giveaway!

I would have said chocolate cake and ice cream, however as you pointed out we are moving into spring and summer and raspberry season ... so my favourite fruit bar none is raspberry and yesterday I bought raspberry trifle, because it is tasty and doesn't feel like you are being naughty stuffing down calories!


That sounds really good. Raspberry is so good. You also can't go wrong with chocolate cake with ice cream, always a winning combination! Very tasty calories indeed!

Funny thing, this afternoon as I was meeting Mrs T at the buststop on her way home from work, I stopped at the grocery shop to see if any whoopsies... and lo and behold I saw a chocolate cake reduced in price, I have not seen that before, so that was dessertt tonight!

That's great! Right place at the right time! I bet that will taste great!