
I hope the sjorgens comment didn't come off as condescending .You probably considered it and you are way more knowledgeable about these things than I am. It was just on my mind because a dysautonomia specialist I follow on social media posts a lot about it because it is very misunderstood and under-diagnosed (and very common co morbid with POTS /ME/LC and even some vax injured folks).

That's so awful to go through. So sorry you have to deal with this. I find that the eye ointments work better for me when my eyes get really dry/inflamed. It blurs the vision a bit but for me they are more soothing than drops. I am not good with eye drops.

Subject shift..update on my buddy's new project. Things are a bit slower than planned but he is implemented a better program/bots to keep things efficient. It was originally supposed to be like a hybrid tipping bot but he has decided to make it more like DVS. It's a bit complicated as to why and not really relevant. Projects in development are always changing. Anyway so it will be more like a straight upvote token. Not a bad thing imo.

I'm looking forward to hearing more about this one. It's sounds like a great project. I usually do well with lubricating drops except at night I will use a gel if it's bad. Ointments work well but they just blur my vision too much!

I'm doing ok. DCA seems to help with my energy but I am brain foggy lately and have been forgetting to take stuff. Otherwise doing ok.

I hope your eye starts to feel better soon.