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RE: Standardized Patient Funny Story

in FreeCompliments6 months ago

Yeah I do... One of the our instructors was a funny guy, so we all made it a point to make him crack up. I think we all did! The point of the exercise for the first years is to get them to think like a doctor. It honestly really didn't matter how they did because as a first year med student not much is really expected of you!


I loved that job. I just got too sick to do it anymore. The professors and staff were all so nice and treated us like equals. I wish I had taken advantage of being around drs all the time but I spent a lot of energy faking to be well so I could keep my job as long as I could.

I had already suffered so much medical abuse/gaslighting I was terrified if they found out I had ME or fibro I would be fired or ridiculed all day. I was afraid no one would ever take me seriously if they found out.I know now that was a trauma response .

Too bad you got too sick to do it! How are you feeling today?

Tday :I can eat and taste food. Enhanced taste is back. OMG shit tastes so salty (I love salty)

The headache has not gone away. It feels like the bottom of my brain is going to break out of my skull and also like the base of my skull is being slowly crushed at the same time. Also squishy/fluid sounds are still present and always the same (fluid moving upward regardless of if I am moving my head or not)This is not fun. I wonder if slathering a bunch of lidocaine would help. Usually these headaches eventually go away on their own but sometimes last for weeks or longer.

I also have a migraine too.My right eye is not happy with the situation. My migraines are mild but very frequent. More headache days than not . So now 3/4 of my head is in some sort of pain. My left side is ok though.

I'm glad you can taste today! Some progress anyway! It might be worth trying out some lidocaine. It really sucks to have a headache, I hope it clears up for you soon! It's miserable to have frequent headaches like that!