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RE: Spending Easter in the Hospital. What Happened? part 1

in FreeCompliments2 months ago

That sucks he should have been there with you. I have ridden in an ambulance twice, once with a pregnant woman about to give birth and I was the only inexperienced doctor they could spare, second as a patient near death from a pulmonary embolism. That you COVID vaccine....

I'm glad you are recuperating. EMT's are usually idiots in my eyes, although I have met some smart ones. Assuming you had anxiety and no understanding of POTS is terrifying. They could have killed you... I'm sorry you had to go through that. That really sucks!


Thanks. Yeah having my husband there would have made a lot of things easier. Not just for comfort but I was suffering from confusion/disorientation and it was really hard for me to communicate. Lack of blood volume/blood flow to the brain can do that to a person.

The EMTs also told the triage nurses that I was anxious (yes after I got sick everywhere and continued to get sick in the hospital. ANXIETY!

I think this contributed to hospital staff not taking me seriously. They did not do continuous (heart/bp) monitoring on me even with all the weird readings. I had a bp cuff and electrodes but they were not hooked up except for a few seconds a couple of times.. BP was only checked a few times the entire time I was there.I mean at least they could have given me valium if I was so "anxious", it may have helped the vertigo too.