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RE: My Nineties Friday Edition, Week Six!

For me the Gameboy I had was the brick classic one, had it many years before Pokemon was released and played some great games.. then Pokemon was finally released in Australia and I got it for Christmas or my birthday, such a magical time!

@geneeverett This is a great idea for a series/post idea doing a nineties thing and even though I have only shared posts about childhood stuff from the nineties back ages ago, an idea like this was always something I wanted to catch on.

Good work mate, I will eventually have to do a post for it, except Australia is ahead of other places for being a Friday 🤣


Pokemon was such a fun game! We've been having a lot of fun getting this event up and rolling. Post doesn't have to be on Friday, just anytime during the week works to be in the contest. I'm looking forward to seeing a post about your 90's memories!

@thegoliath! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thebighigg. (4/50)