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RE: Weekly Ten HSBI Giveaway!

What is your favorite dessert and why
That is a tough one to answer for me as I am a foodie so hard to say no to something that looks good, tastes good and is low on sugar.
Off late I am inclined to have things made at home where I can monitor the butter/oil and the sugar that goes in so homemade custards, puddings and cakes are my current favorite till the time I can be in a state of restrain and can avoid all those sweet treats that are out there for sale.


I understand that feeling all too well... Cakes and puddings are really good but high in sugar. Since I'm no longer twenty-one by a few decades I now have to watch such things! I stick what is healthy much more lately, but every now and again I'll reward myself with a special treat!

Sorry for the late response, been a crazy week. I got you in on the giveaway though. Thank you for taking the time to engage!


@thetimetravelerz! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thebighigg. (2/50)

Thanks for putting me in.
As we grow we need to be more careful with what we put into our bodies. As I realize it now I tend to be more careful.

No problem! I meant to publish the results yesterday buy my internet service went down on me. They finally fixed the problem this morning. You really take the internet for granted until your service goes out!